An ice cream
that’s good for you…
it’s Naïce !
A freshly
fraîchement lancée
The idea of creating a range of 100% natural and organic French ice creams emerged in 2020.
This period of health crisis, confinement, has made us fully aware of the importance of local and national businesses, which have been neglected for too long in favor of products coming from all corners of the planet.
We want to contribute to the valorization and development of local communities by highlighting artisanal and traditional craftsmanship.
This is how Naïce comes to life!
The result of craftsmanship
Every day, we craft ice cream bars by hand in our laboratory in Provence. All our suppliers and partners are French
A range of Organic
chocolate ice creams
This is the first range of chocolate ice cream on a stick in France.
100% naturelle
au chocolat bio
de la maison française weiss
du lait entier et de la
crème fraîche BIO de producteurs français
A range of Organic
whole fruit sorbets
A mixed range of 4 whole fruit sorbets, made in France.
100% naturelle
60% de fruits
de l’eau et une pointe de sucre
de canne bio
With boxes that protect our ice creams…
and our planet
Bâtonnet en bois issu de forêts gérées durablement
Boîte en carton recyclable
Sachet compostable fabriqué à partir de 100% de matière d’origine végétale
Il ne vous reste plus qu’à nous trouver
Une gamme de sorbets pleinS fruitS Bio et une version tout choco Bio à retrouver chez nos partenaires.
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